Category: Construction Accidents

When, Why, and How to Sue JE Dunn Construction for a Worksite Accident

If you’re suffering an injury or loss as the result of a construction accident, you’ve probably already received a lot of conflicting advice about your rights. You might have been told that the accident was something no one could have anticipated, or that catastrophic injuries are just an accepted risk of the construction industry. The truth is that most, if not all, construction accidents are preventable, and general contractors are responsible for making sure sites operate as safely as p...

How to Get Compensation After a Holder Construction Accident

Construction is one of the most dangerous professions in the world, and Holder Construction has a better track record than most of its peers when it comes to keeping workers on its projects safe. In fact, back in 2008, OSHA partnered directly with Holder to provide safety training for the construction industry in the Savannah area, calling Holder “an example to other companies.” Based on this reputation, one might expect Holder to do a good job of caring for anyone who does suffer an injur...

Brasfield & Gorrie Construction Site Accidents May Be Cause for Litigation

Brasfield & Gorrie is responsible for the safety of thousands of people working one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. Even a small misjudgment or malfunction on a construction site can end or irrevocably alter lives in an instant, as the survivors of Brasfield & Gorrie accidents know all too well. When an accident happens, injured construction workers and their families deserve honest answers as to what happened, and compensation for their losses. Workers on Brasfield & ...

Who Can I Sue When a Crane Collapses?

If you’ve been affected by a crane collapse accident, you’re probably facing a huge amount of damage, and a lot of evasive messages from different companies, all of them telling you that someone else is responsible. It’s true that there’s usually more than one possible defendant for a crane collapse lawsuit. While this might seem confusing and overwhelming at first, it actually increases your odds of successfully collecting compensation from at least one source, once you have a good crane ...

Construction Operations Have a Duty to Keep Young Workers Out of Danger

Construction jobs are an understandably popular option for Georgia teens seeking an income or some experience for a résumé. The work is project-based, the skills are broadly applicable, and the chance to work around power tools and heavy machinery is a strong draw for many mechanically-minded young people. Unfortunately, those power tools and heavy machines are a major part of what makes construction sites such dangerous places, especially for people whose brains and bodies are still devel...

Common Types of Construction Accidents

Construction is one of the most dangerous jobs in Georgia, and in the U.S as a whole. There are plenty of different things that can go wrong while working with construction materials, heavy machinery, electrical lines, gas lines, and power tools. However, the vast majority of things that do go wrong can be reduced to a few basic categories. Knowing this, construction companies, landowners, and equipment manufacturers all have a duty to do their part to prevent the most common types of cons...

The Ten Most Dangerous Jobs in Georgia

The question of which jobs in Georgia are the most dangerous is actually a subjective one. Simply counting the dead tells one story. Turning those numbers into percentages, based on the size of an industry, tells another. Tallying up hospital stays, days of recovery, and permanent disabilities produces a different list entirely — some jobs are much more likely to maim than kill. We’ve considered all of these factors while compiling our list of the most dangerous civilian jobs in Georgia. ...

Falling Hazards and Heavy Machinery Can Be a Deadly Workplace Combination

Falling from heights and getting caught in heavy machinery are two of the most common causes of serious workplace injuries, especially for people in the construction industry. Naturally, tall pieces of machinery with open tops can pose both dangers at once, especially if workers must stand near the top of the machine during the course of normal use. Companies that design and distribute large industrial hoppers, mixers, tanks, etc. should be fully aware of how especially hazardous they c...

Construction Operations Have a Duty to Keep Underage Workers Out of Danger

For many young people with a passion for power tools, machinery, and the satisfaction of building things, getting to work on a real construction site is an exciting milestone. Unfortunately, construction is one of the most dangerous professions in the U.S, and the dangers that exist for adults are often even greater for minors. Teenagers’ brains and bodies are not yet fully developed. Because of this, they’re more likely to act impulsively, underestimate risk, and have physical difficulty ...

Construction Workers Have a Right to Reliable Fall Protection

Construction is one of the deadliest careers in the U.S, and falls are the leading cause of on-the-job death for construction workers. Properly safeguarding against these kinds of accidents could save hundreds of lives every year, yet inadequate fall protection on construction sites remains the single most common OSHA ( violation. Under worker’s comp law, fall victims and their families are not allowed to sue their employers for personal injury or wrongful death. They can only...