Dedicated Chemical Burns Lawyers, The Stoddard Firm Will Fight for You
To Secure Compensation, You Need a Chemical Exposure Attorney on Your Side
Being exposed to toxic chemicals at home or in the workplace can result in significant medical issues. If you have become ill or been injured from chemical exposure, you may have grounds for a chemical exposure lawsuit.
Make sure to contact a skilled chemical exposure lawyer to pursue justice in your case. Whether you have been harmed by chemical exposure in the workplace or another location, reach out to the accomplished team at The Stoddard Firm.

If another party’s negligence or carelessness has caused you to be exposed to dangerous substances, you may be owed chemical exposure settlements. To speak with a knowledgeable chemical burns lawyer, call The Stoddard Firm at 470-467-2200.
Atlanta Workplace Burns Leading to Chemical Exposure Lawsuits
Following a Workplace Burn Accident, Contact Our Chemical Exposure Lawyers
Not every burn is the result of exposure to fire or heat. Chemical burns can be caused by accidents in which the victim makes contact with acid or another harmful substance.
In many cases, chemical burns result from a substance’s severe reaction to the pH levels of the victim’s skin. When this happens, the person’s skin may begin to break down.
Every year, many people experience chemical burns in the workplace. Chemical burns can range in their level of severity. Some of the most common chemical burns include exposure to:
- Acids
- Detergents
- Solvents
- Alkalis
- And more.
No matter what the cause of your workplace accident, it is vital to consult with a chemical exposure attorney as soon as possible. This type of burn accident can lead to many different catastrophic injuries and illnesses.
Some of the most common symptoms of chemical burn accidents include:
- Blistering
- Numbness and pain
- Irritation of the skin and itching
- Discoloration of the skin (darkened, red, or white)
- Necrosis of the victim’s body tissue
- And more.
Chemical burns can happen anywhere. In a private residence, burns may be the result of exposure to a cosmetic hair, skin, or nail product. But most chemical burns happen in the workplace.
Many Jobs Require Workers to Handle Hazardous Substances
When an employee is required to handle hazardous substances, they are at a higher risk for chemical exposure in the workplace. This type of accident is common in manufacturing facilities.
Workers who hold certain positions are at a higher risk of suffering chemical burns. Some of the occupations that present the highest likelihood of chemical burns include:
- Farmworkers
- Janitors
- Laboratory technicians
- Miners
- Mechanics
- Employees in the transport industry
- Welders
- Chemical plant workers
- Construction workers and specialists
- Hairstylists
- Painters
- Nail technicians
- Pool maintenance and cleaning specialists.
Many of the chemicals frequently used in workplace settings contain hydrochloric and sulfuric acids. Common pool cleaners contain hydrochloric acid, for example. Many fertilizers, drain cleaners, and car batteries are made using sulfuric acid.
If you have experienced a chemical burn accident at work, you may be able to pursue chemical exposure settlements. An accomplished chemical burns lawyer will examine the facts of your case and help you determine the best course of action.
When an employer’s negligence results in harm to a worker, the victim has the legal right to pursue financial recovery. You should not be left with the financial and personal costs from a chemical burn that you did not cause.
Common Elements of Chemical Exposure Settlements
An Atlanta Chemical Exposure Attorney Can Help You Be Financially Whole
According to research conducted by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), nearly 32 million American employees are exposed to dangerous chemicals. Every year, more than 860,000 workers suffer illness as a result of chemical exposure.
Unfortunately, this type of workplace exposure to hazardous substances results in more than 60,000 deaths annually. These statistics underscore the inherent dangers of chemical exposure in the workplace.
Whether you have suffered from a single accident or long-term environmental exposure, a chemical exposure lawyer can help. Even a single exposure to a hazardous chemical compound can result in serious injuries or illness.
When you have become ill because of chemical exposure, you will likely face mounting financial costs and expenses. You can seek compensation for these losses through a chemical exposure claim.
Types of Damages in Chemical Burn and Exposure Cases
The term for payments to the victims of chemical exposure accidents is “damages.” In most chemical burn and exposure cases, victims can recover two primary types of damages. These are known as “economic” and “non-economic damages.”
Many of the negative consequences of a chemical burn or exposure injury are financial. Victims typically face skyrocketing medical costs and many other financial challenges.
Economic damages are intended to make the victim financially whole following their accident. Some of the typical examples of financial damages in chemical exposure lawsuits include:
- Compensation for current medical bills
- Compensation for anticipated future medical needs
- Compensation for lost income from missed work
- Compensation for the loss of long-term earning capacity
- Compensation for necessary medical travel
- And more.
With the help of a trustworthy chemical burns lawyer, you can pursue the financial compensation that you are owed. You should not have to pay the costs that arise as the result of an employer’s negligence or carelessness.
Some of the negative consequences of chemical exposure are not monetary. Personal, emotional, and physical difficulties often result from burn injuries.
Non-economic damages are meant to compensate burn injury victims for the intangible losses that they have suffered. Some of the common examples of non-economic damages in chemical exposure cases include:
- Compensation for physical pain and suffering
- Compensation for mental distress, such as panic, anxiety, depression
- Compensation for emotional trauma
- Compensation for disability or disfigurement
- Compensation for loss of enjoyment of life.
Even though these losses are not easily translated into dollars and cents, victims deserve to be compensated for these hardships. Do not allow a negligent company or employer to offload the costs of your injuries onto you or your family.
In rare cases, chemical burn victims may be able to pursue “punitive” damages. This type of financial payment is not intended to compensate the burn victim for their monetary or personal losses. Instead, punitive damages are meant to punish the negligent or at-fault party. Punitive damages are relatively rare. They are awarded only in cases where the defendant was grossly negligent or reckless.

No matter the circumstances of your chemical burn injury case, reach out to an accomplished legal professional. The trusted attorneys at The Stoddard Firm have plenty of experience overseeing chemical exposure claims and lawsuits. Call us at 470-467-2200.
Wrongful Death Claims Following Chemical Exposure
Families Deserve Justice When They Lose a Loved One
Sadly, some chemical burn or exposure incidents are fatal. If you have lost a loved one or family member because of workplace chemical exposure, consult with a lawyer.
The estate holders of decedents may have grounds to file a wrongful death lawsuit. Through this kind of legal action, the survivors can pursue compensation on behalf of the victim.
Wrongful death claims function very similarly to other personal injury lawsuits. Eligible family members may be owed compensation for the following:
- The victim’s outstanding medical bills
- The lost income resulting from the death
- The loss of love and support
- Funeral expenses
- Burial costs
- And more.
Every wrongful death case is distinct. If your loved one passed away as the result of workplace chemical exposure or burns, do not hesitate. Reach out to a knowledgeable wrongful death attorney.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can be held liable in a chemical exposure or burn lawsuit?
Every workplace chemical lawsuit is different. A skilled legal professional will review the facts of your case to determine who is liable for your illness or injuries.
In some instances, more than one party may be at fault for your chemical burn or exposure. Some common examples of liable parties include:
- Chemical manufacturing companies
- Workplaces that shirk appropriate safety guidelines
- Negligent factories with leaking toxic chemicals
- Corporations that dump hazardous chemicals in waterways
- Landlords who withhold information about environmental hazards.
Learning who is at fault in a chemical exposure claim can be complex. Let the accomplished attorneys at The Stoddard Firm review your case to determine legal liability.
Do workplace chemical leaks still occur?
Yes. In early 2021, a poultry processing plant north of Atlanta was the location of a severe liquid nitrogen leak.
As a result of this chemical exposure, more than ten employees were hospitalized. Another six workers were killed.
It is important to hold negligent companies accountable for the harms that result from carelessness. Chemical burn victims have the legal right to pursue damages for the harms and losses that they suffer.
What factors lead to environmental chemical exposure?
Not every chemical-related illness or injury is the result of a single event. Many workers are exposed to dangerous chemicals in their environments over a long period of time.
Some of the most common ways that people are environmentally exposed to hazardous chemicals include:
- Bathing in, drinking, or swimming in chemically contaminated water
- Breathing toxic chemicals in the air
- Coming into contact with contaminated dust or soil
- Ingesting contaminated food or drinks.
Those who live or work near locations where toxins are dumped may face increased risks. If you believe that your illness is the result of long-term chemical exposure, seek legal help.
What steps should I take following a chemical burn injury?
In the moments after a chemical burn has occurred, it is normal to feel afraid and overwhelmed. It is critical to seek medical help as soon as possible.
Some of the most important care tips following a chemical burn include:
- Distance yourself from the source of the hazardous chemical
- Remove clothing that is contaminated
- Thoroughly rinse the eyes or skin with water
- Seek fresh air.
Flushing the chemical away from the skin or eyes will help to minimize the burn. Make sure not to splash the chemicals while attempting to rinse the affected area.
Why Choose the Chemical Exposure Attorneys at The Stoddard Firm?
Let Our Trustworthy Legal Team Fight for You
If you have sustained an illness or injury because of exposure to hazardous chemicals, you may be owed significant financial compensation. When you need trustworthy legal representation in Atlanta, look no further than the team at The Stoddard Firm.
We work hard to ensure that clients are treated fairly and compensated adequately. It is vital to hold negligent companies accountable for the harms that they cause.
The Stoddard Firm intentionally accepts fewer cases than other law firms. As a result, our team can devote more resources to each of our clients. When you hire our firm, you will receive dedicated and personalized legal services.
To schedule a free consultation with the attorneys at The Stoddard Firm, call our offices at 470-467-2200.
Attorney Matt Stoddard
Matt Stoddard is a professional, hardworking, ethical advocate. He routinely faces some of the nation’s largest companies and some of the world’s largest insurers – opponents who have virtually unlimited resources. In these circumstances, Mr. Stoddard is comfortable. Mr. Stoddard provides his strongest efforts to his clients, and he devotes the firm’s significant financial resources to presenting the strongest case possible on their behalf. Matt understands that his clients must put their trust in him. That trust creates an obligation for Matt to work tirelessly on their behalf, and Matt Stoddard does not take that obligation lightly. [ Attorney Bio ]